Archives for September 2018

Applying for the 2018 Co-operation Projects Call?

10am-3pm Thursday 18th October 2018
Europe House, 12-14 Mount Street Lower, D2
Sign up: E-mail your name, organisation and brief project details to

Are you developing an application for the next Co-operation Projects deadline in 2018? We will host a free application workshop in Dublin on Thursday 18th October for organisations that are developing proposals for Co-operation Projects in 2018.

Get some insights into what you need to demonstrate in your proposal for a successful application!
Learn about the red flag items that can trip applicants up!

Hear tips from previously successful applicants.
Bring along all your niggling questions on the application process, application form and budgets.

We will also have a general introduction to Co-operation Projects funding to begin the session. If you are not planning an application for this year’s deadline but would like to learn more please do come for coffee and the introductory session.

We are also holding an Information session and Workshop in Waterford on 8th October.

Can’t attend our workshops in Dublin or Waterford? Phone us on 01 6180200 for information and advice or email your questions to We’re here to help, right up to the time that you press that submit button, so do keep in touch!

To register your interest in attending please email

Creative Europe Funding Workshop

· Mon 8 October 2018 | 10:00 – 13:00
· Garter Lane Arts Centre, 5 O’Connell Street, Waterford

Our free workshop will be an interactive session for arts, culture, heritage, craft and design organisations to explore ideas for developing transnational working practices and to learn about accessing Creative Europe funding.

The session will begin with an overview of the Creative Europe Culture sub-programme and in particular the Co-operation projects fund by Audrey Keane of the Creative Europe Desk Ireland’s Culture office.

Round table discussions: This will be followed by round table discussions exploring the different aspects of developing and running a European project. Hear from Creative Europe beneficiaries including Chris Clarke, The Glucksman Gallery (VIBE project) and Edel Doran, First Fortnight Festival (NEFELE project) and Katherine Collins, Waterford Walls who will share their experiences.

This will be an opportunity to learn from the experience of those already involved in projects and to test your own ideas for a project. Delegates are invited to stay on for a networking lunch with more opportunities to share learning and ideas.

This event is organised by Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre in partnership with Creative Europe Desk Ireland (Culture Office), Waterford Cultural Quarter and the Waterford Area Partnership.