Irish Equity Benevolent Fund

The Executive of Irish Equity provides emergency assistance to its members in financial difficulty though the Irish Equity Benevolent Fund. This fund is currently limited in scope as it relies on voluntary donations and applications for assistance are treated in strictest confidence. The fund is managed and arbitrated by two trustees who are also members of Irish Equity and nominated by the union’s executive. There is no disclosure of any applicant’s details to the Executive which is only advised of the number of applications and the amounts approved. The fund is regulated and subject to audit in the normal way. All applications will be dealt with on a case by case basis and members of Irish Equity may apply for emergency assistance by sending a confidential email to Please insert the words ‘Confidential benevolent fund application’ in the subject line.

Applications are treated with utmost sensitivity although there are basic eligibility criteria. These criteria are not in any respect intended to question the dignity or sincerity of any applicant, but rather to ensure as fair a disbursement as possible of the limited fund.

Application criteria:

  • Applications will be addressed on a Case by Case basis. 
  • Applications will be confidential to the trustees and the Equity Official
  • Applicants must be in benefit/good standing.
  • Multiple applications by any individual will be discouraged.
  • Large amounts will not be payable given the limited nature of the fund.