Following significant lobbying by SIPTU and the Irish Congress of trade Unions, the Government announced on 24th March, new measures to provide financial support to Irish workers affected by the Covid-19 crisis for both self-employed and employed workers. This includes also assistance for renters and utility bills etc.
Self Employed
Self-employed workers are eligible for the special Covid 19 unemployment benefit which has been increased to €350 per week
For self-employed workers who become ill are eligible for the Covid 19 illness benefit which has also been increased to €350 per week
If you have already received a payment of any of the Covid 19 benefits then you don’t need to do anything as there will be an automatic adjustment. If you are making a fresh claim, you can do so through this link https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/eca524-covid-19-information-for-employees/
For Employees (PAYE Workers)
Revenue will operate a Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme for organisations whose business activities are being adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The scheme, enables employees, whose employment is affected by the pandemic, to receive supports directly from their employer. The scheme will run for 12 weeks from 26 March 2020 but any employee who was on the payroll as at February 29th is now eligible for these payments and we are in discussion with the producers on running this through payroll wherever possible. The subsidy scheme applies to employers whether they can afford to top up employees’ wages or not.
For employees who become ill they are eligible for the COVID-19 illness benefit which has also been increased to €350 per week
For employees who have been laid off and the employer cannot make payments through the payroll they are eligible for the C19 unemployment benefit of €350 (plus normal payment for any dependants)
In April, the scheme will move to a subsidy payment based on 70% of the weekly average take home pay for each employee up to a maximum of €410 net pay. Income tax and USC will not be applied to the subsidy payment through the payroll. Employee and Employer PRSI will not apply to the subsidy or any top up payment by the employer.
If you have already received a payment of any of the Covid 19 benefits then you don’t need to do anything as there will be an automatic adjustment. If you are making a fresh claim, you can do so through this link https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/eca524-covid-19-information-for-employees/
We also expect legislation to be passed to tomorrow freezing rents and banning evictions for the next 12 weeks also. As you may be aware the banks have agreed to give workers financially effected by Covid 19 a 3 month break from mortgage payments and applications can be made for this through your on line banking.
Further support measures for renters and utility bills etc can be accessed here:https://www.gov.ie/en/news/a6d8fa-government-announced-new-covid-19-income-support-scheme/
For any questions on the above the email addresses are:
Andrea aholmes@siptu.ie or equity@siptu.ie
Karan koloughlin@siptu.ie