Ann Russell (Trustee)

Ann Russell has worked in the industry for over 30 years as an actor, director and facilitator. She trained with the late Deirdre O’Connell at the Focus Stanislavski Studio and at the Lee Strasberg Institute in NYC. She has an MA in Modern Drama from UCD and a Licentiate Diploma from London College. 

Ann began her career at Focus Theatre in the 1990s and has performed on stages throughout Ireland and the UK.  Most recently she performed in The Tide by Tara Maria Lovett and Risk Everything by George F Walker. In 2025 she will perform in Michael Hartnett’s latest play Martyrs to Memory.

Ann has also performed on screen in both TV and film, notably in Roddy Doyle’s Family and Fair City and more recently in Harry Wild. She is a member of ReActorsCo-operative Agency:

Ann believes passionately in the value of the arts in society and that access to the arts is a human right, a quality-of-life issue for every citizen and deserves proper funding. The shortage of affordable venues and the cuts that have resulted in the closure of many theatre companies throughout Ireland, causing the reduction in opportunities for members of our community, are of particular concern. She is also a member of the Performing Arts Forum.