Equity recently negotiated an agreement for the cast of the production “1916 The Bloody Irish”. This was a live performance that was recorded in front of a live audience for broadcast on PBS in America. Initially the production company were insisting that the cast, who were a mix of Irish Equity, Equity UK and non-union actors, sign full buyout agreements. The cast were not happy with this and called in Irish Equity to help. We visited the cast on set and have a good and constructive discussion that left everyone with a fuller understanding of their rights. This fantastic cast all took the decision to support the union in fighting their cause and the non-union actors even signed up to Equity to be part of this. Once the fight commenced the cast showed real solidarity in ensuring their agents did not sign contracts until given the all clear from Equity even though the production company threatened to withhold payment from them. They actors stood firm with the union however and the deal was done that will time expire and allow for the payment of royalties so well done all concerned !!