Irish Equity regrets that due to the ongoing measures to contain/curtail the spread of the COVID-19 virus we have taken the decision to defer the AGM scheduled for 5th April until later in the year when we can be assured that holding this meeting will not endanger anybody’s wellbeing. This is an
unfortunate turn of events but we believe it is in all of our best interests to defer the meeting for now.
Also, we are liaising with employers in the industry on the measures
announced by the Government today to get more information about their
intentions for cast during any cessation of work. In addition, we have
confirmation from the Department of the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht that the Arts Council has said that it has notified theatres that it will honour all funding commitments made to them and that there will be no financial penalties for theatres that are unable to deliver key activities and events
arising from the COVID-19 virus. This should mean that theatres should, in turn, be able to honour commitments to artists.
We are also liaising with employers in film and TV and we will update you
immediately as we get more information on their intentions about working
arrangements etc.
While we await further updates from the employers please see the attached information from the Department of Social Protection. This document
explains all of the supports available to workers, employed and self-
employed, including the new sick pay arrangements and workplace closures, lay off, short time working etc.
Please email us directly on any of the email addresses below if you have
useful information with regard to developing circumstances on set or at your workplace or if you have specific queries on any information that we are sending through to you. The email addresses are; Andrea – and/or Karan –