Irish Equity has called for the full implementation of the recommendations contained in a report issued this week by the Oireachtas Committee on Budgetary Oversight concerning the operation of the Section 481-Film Tax Credit, saying they will benefit workers and tax payers.
Irish Equity President, Gerry O’Brien, said: “The report is extremely fair in examining not just the benefits of the film industry to Ireland but also recognising and addressing some of the inequities that exist within it. From our point of view, the implementation of the recommendations surrounding full compliance with the Copyright and Related Act 2000 and the EU Copyright Directive will have a hugely beneficial effect on the lives of all our extremely talented creative workers.
“More importantly, it will protect the investment of the most important stakeholder in our film and television industry, the public. Implementing these recommendations will ensure that we are investing in sustainable careers for all those young people who are beginning their training and looking forward to contributing to our valued creative reputation on the world stage.”
He added: “We fully support all the recommendations contained in the report. The recommended increase in funding for the industry must come hand in hand with full compliance with all legislation that protects the rights of film workers, cast and crew.”