Larkin Commemoration

Irish Citizen Army Charity Calendar

The calendar costs €5 and is available to purchase in Focus Ireland shops, from Liberty Hall in Dublin and online HERE. [Read more…]

Irish Equity, the MUI and the NUJ winning for actors and musicians

equitymuiimageThis Bill which will restore the unions right to collective bargain rates for voice over actors and session musicians. Equity, the MUI and the NUJ have been fighting this battle for 12 years so today is a good day for voice over artists, musicians and freelance photographers. The Bill also deals with false self-employment for these categories for workers and will be put to the Dail as soon as possible. The bill has all party support and no further amendments are required so it will have a quick and smooth passage in Dail Eireann.
Photo: Irish Equity, MUI and NUJ members with their representatives at the Seanad on Thursday 10th November for the passing of the Competition Amendment Bill.




The Competition (Amendment) Bill 2016

The Competition (Amendment) Bill 2016, which seeks to return collective bargaining rights to freelance workers will be back for final stage in the Seanad on Thursday 10th November. After more than a decade it is with great satisfaction that we are now seeing progress on this issue. It can now be hoped that freelance workers will soon once again be effectively represented through collective bargaining by their union.


International Federation of Actors 21st World Congress

Delegates preparing for the International Federation of Actors 21st World Congress covering all issues concerning performers all over the world #fia21congress

Conference: Future of Work in the Arts, Media and Entertainment Sector, 8-9 September 2016












Love not hate – Unite to legislate against hate crime

We need to send a clear message that racism and hate have no place in our communities and that our society should be inclusive of all.
We must break the silence on hate crime, encourage people to report it, and find effective ways to address all forms of racism and prejudice.

Read about the campaignPrint
Sign the petition




SIPTU welcomes progress of Bill to return collective bargaining rights to freelance workers

Photo from left to right: Padraig Murray, Irish Equity President, Senator Ivana Bacik, Karan OLoughlin, SIPTU National Campaigns and Equality Organiser and Bryan Murray, Irish Equity outside Leinster House on Wednesday 6th July calling on all Senators to support the Competition Amendment Bill.
[Read more…]

SIPTU President Jack O’Connor says Brexit is the result of years of austerity

SIPTU General President, Jack O Connor, has stated that the victory of the Leave campaign in the British referendum on EU membership results from the implementation of austerity policies that have alienated working people across Europe.

O’Connor said: “The vote for Brexit is the result of the years of austerity which have alienated working people all over Europe. Unless there is a dramatic shift in fiscal policy and an immediate end to one sided austerity the end of the European project is now inevitable.

“The UK result will add immense momentum to the hard right across the continent and will fuel demands for referendums in the Netherlands, France and several other countries.”

He added: “The policy of prioritising banks over people must end at once. Europe desperately needs a new deal entailing a massive public investment strategy to generate sustainable jobs. This must be accompanied by a series of measures to secure people’s rights at work in face of the relentless ‘race to the bottom’ in wages and working conditions.”

Pride Festival

This year the union will again light up the roof of Liberty Hall again in rainbow colours to mark the Pride Festival.
The roof will be lit on Friday and Saturday night 10pm – 4am SIPTU LGBTQ, the Young Workers Network and SIPTU allies are marching with the SIPTU LGBTQ Network banner in the Pride Parade on Saturday. Assembly is in the lobby of Liberty Hall leaving the Hall at 12:45pm to head up to the Garden of Remembrance.