- Make sure you are a member of the
professional actors union Irish Equity - Make sure you have a good quality clear head
shot with an up to date CV that covers all relevant
education and experience - Your headshot/CV needs to be circulated to as many
casting directors as possible - Keep updating your skills with relevant workshops
- Build up a network of others in the industry to
keep abreast of what goes on and what’s coming up - Come to the Equity AGMS, follow us on Facebook
and Twitter – be part of your performers community - Join a co-op or consider getting an agent
- Have a good social media presence and follow
casting directors on Facebook/Twitter etc.
Just Starting Out?
Lunchtime talks from the creative minds at the forefront of Irish culture, science and the arts
First Up: Creative entrepreneurs on breaking through
A series of lunchtime talks from the creative minds at the forefront of Irish culture, science and the arts.
on Wednesday, 8th March from 1.00 p.m. – 2.00 p.m.
Paccar Theatre
The unique individuals featured in the First Up series believed in an idea and did everything possible to make that idea work. They invested in their own talent and creativity in order to create a career or lifestyle suited to their vision and personal aspirations.
The speakers will tell their own stories from the beginning, how they developed their ideas and will share their plans for the future.
Graham McLaren and Neil Murray were appointed as joint Directors of the Abbey Theatre in 2016. Both came to the Abbey Theatre from the National Theatre of Scotland, Graham as Associate Director and Neil as Executive Producer. Together, they are responsible for the Abbey’s programming from 2017 onwards.
You can see the full line up of speakers here.
First Up is a collaboration based at Trinity College Dublin between Science Gallery Dublin and Trinity Long Room Hub.
Equity calls for action on “pay to play” scams
In the USA there is a labour law referred to as the Krekorian Talent Scam Prevention Act which prevents the charging of actors for auditions even when those auditions are disguised as workshops. [Read more…]
Irish Equity and IFTN discuss the “Pay to Play” Scam – What is it and why do actors need to be aware?
Irish Equity and IFTN discuss the “Pay to Play” Scam –
What is it and why do actors need to be aware?
Read the full article
Irish Citizen Army Charity Calendar
The calendar costs €5 and is available to purchase in Focus Ireland shops, from Liberty Hall in Dublin and online HERE. [Read more…]
Irish Equity, the MUI and the NUJ winning for actors and musicians
This Bill which will restore the unions right to collective bargain rates for voice over actors and session musicians. Equity, the MUI and the NUJ have been fighting this battle for 12 years so today is a good day for voice over artists, musicians and freelance photographers. The Bill also deals with false self-employment for these categories for workers and will be put to the Dail as soon as possible. The bill has all party support and no further amendments are required so it will have a quick and smooth passage in Dail Eireann.
Photo: Irish Equity, MUI and NUJ members with their representatives at the Seanad on Thursday 10th November for the passing of the Competition Amendment Bill.
The Competition (Amendment) Bill 2016
The Competition (Amendment) Bill 2016, which seeks to return collective bargaining rights to freelance workers will be back for final stage in the Seanad on Thursday 10th November. After more than a decade it is with great satisfaction that we are now seeing progress on this issue. It can now be hoped that freelance workers will soon once again be effectively represented through collective bargaining by their union.
International Federation of Actors 21st World Congress
Delegates preparing for the International Federation of Actors 21st World Congress covering all issues concerning performers all over the world #fia21congress