COVID-19 Coronavirus Information

Current Advice
Please see below for our current advice regarding coronavirus. This is an ever changing situation so click here to access the updated HSE advice

Financial advice
Understand your rights to the different kinds of financial support available during the Coronavirus outbreak and how to claim click here for more information. This includes support for the self-employed. The dedicated social protection #COVID19 phoneline is open from 9am-5pm, 01-2481398/ 1890-800-024 and people are asked to not visit your Intreo Centre if at all possible. To download the form click here or to get a form posted to you, please email or call the phoneline.

Industry specific guides
The Arts Council has confirmed that it has notified theatres that it will honour all funding commitments made to them and that there will be no financial penalties for theatres that are unable to deliver key activities and events arising from the impact of the COVID-19 virus.  That will mean that theatres should, in turn, be able to honour commitments to artists. Equity is calling on these organisations to demonstrate their true creativity and reach out in new and inventive ways to the artist community to provided as much financial and community support as possible to artists. More info here

This will be more difficult for non-funded or non-commercial production so it important that members fully understand the state support available read more.

Recorded Media (Film, TV audio etc)
All production are now ceased or on notice or cessation. For information on specific productions contact Andrea at or Karan at

Industry Support measures
Screen Ireland has announced an initial range of measures, all of which we hope will assist those working within the sector. 

These measures are as follows:

  • They will provide 90% funding upfront on all development loans to Irish screenwriters and production companies through to 31st May 2020.
  • Existing development and production loan offers which are due to expire in the coming months will all be extended to 31st May 2020.
  • They will provide additional marketing and distribution support for upcoming Irish film and TV releases during this period.
  • They will continue to provide skills development opportunities for industry practitioners, with Screen Skills Ireland delivering some of its planned activity for 2020 online free-of-charge over the next 6-10 weeks. 

From an operations perspective, Screen Ireland and Screen Skills Ireland staff continue to work remotely and all funding schemes will continue to be made available. They are supporting filmmakers and current productions on a case-by-case basis due to the numerous complexities and variables involved. The funding application process across all areas from development, production, distribution and publicity will continue as normally as possible.

During these exceptionally challenging circumstances, Screen Ireland will continue to work with their partners to monitor the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and will review and update these measures in response to further developments.  Screen Ireland can be contacted directly with any COVID-19 related queries or concerns at

Be safe and minimise Risk

In addition there are some simple things you can do to minimise risk.

Preventative measures
There are six simple things members can do to protect themselves and others:
1. Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use alcohol sanitiser if handwashing facilities are not available.
2. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw it in a bin. Catch it, Bin it, Kill it. Failing that, sneeze into your elbow and avoid coughing on or near others.
3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
4. Avoid travelling if you have a temperature or cough. If you feel unwell, seek medical advice.
5. If you are worried about your symptoms, please call NHS 111. Do not go directly to your GP.
6. If you begin to feel unwell, with your engager’s permission if at work, make your way safely home and contact a health professional for advice.

Work advice
Where you are concerned about an engagement being cancelled or a contract being terminated due to coronavirus issues, please contact Irish Equity for specific advice about your situation. Andrea – Karan – or through our website (can you make this a link to the website?)

Contract issues
A matter that may arise in relation to cancelled engagements or contracts is the concept of ‘force majeure’. This will usually be a clause in the contract that outlines circumstances under which the contract may be said to have been cancelled because of events or circumstances outside the engagers control. Another concept is ‘frustration of contract’ where the contract may be said to have been discontinued because of unforeseen circumstances. The issues around these, and other contract matters, are never simple and often subject to interpretation, so your Irish Equity can be the first port of call for any query.

Join Irish Equity online

Join Irish Equity – complete an online application today



Housing is a Human Right

Choral Evensong in Remembrance of Actors, Musicians and Artists

Choral Evensong in Remembrance of Actors, Musicians and Artists. All welcome.

Fighting for Freelances Conference

On the 150th anniversary of the birth of James Connolly SIPTU, the National Union of Journalists, Irish Equity, and the Musicians Union of Ireland invite you to Fighting for Freelances Conference on Tuesday 5th June, Mansion House, Dublin from 10.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. To confirm attendance go to: •  A light lunch will be served. Register by Friday 1st June, 2018 • For more information Tel: 01 8588217 (Please note places are limited).

Will Change Ever Really Come?

A total of 82 female film professionals linked arms on the steps of the Palais while Cate Blanchett, this year’s jury president, read out an impassioned statement. The numbers were significant.

In the 71 editions of the Cannes Festival, just 82 women have competed for the Palme d’Or. (Do the maths and you’ll conclude that this year’s total of three is significantly above the pitiful average.)

In contrast, 1,866 men have had their films in competition. Kristen Stewart, Marion Cotillard, Ava DuVernay, Léa Seydoux, and Salma Hayek stood on the highest step with Blanchett. “Women are not a minority in the world, yet the current state of the industry says otherwise,” she said.

“As women, we all face our own unique challenges, but we stand together on these stairs today as a symbol of our determination and commitment to progress. We are writers, producers, directors, actresses, cinematographers, talent agents, editors, distributors, sales agents and all involved in the cinematic arts.”

The protest comes after accusations that Cannes has not reacted forcefully enough to the #metoo scandal. A change is gonna come.

This article first appeared as a tweet from David Clarke for the Irish Times. Photo is by Joel C Ryan/Invision/AP.

2018 Irish Equity AGM

NOTICE FOR MEMBERS: The 2018 Irish Equity AGM will take place in Liberty Theatre, Liberty Hall, Dublin on Sunday March 25th doors open at 2.00 p.m. There will be a speaker on Bullying & Harassment in the Arts.

Podcast: Amplify Women’s Harassment Toolkit

In response to the revelations of harassment in Irish theatre, the #MeToo and #IrishWeinstein hashtags, Amplify Women, an umbrella group that represents, works with or carries out research about women working in the cultural and media industries, has produced a toolkit for dealing with harassment and bullying in the workplace.

Olwen Dawe, Sarah Durcan, Karan O’Loughlin and Sarah Kieran have all been involved in creating the toolkit over the past year and they spoke to Róisín Ingle all about it. LISTEN HERE

Read the Amplify Women’s Harassment Toolkit

Pride Festival

This year the union will again light up the roof of Liberty Hall again in rainbow colours to mark the Pride Festival.
The roof will be lit on Friday and Saturday night 10pm – 4am SIPTU LGBTQ, the Young Workers Network and SIPTU allies are marching with the SIPTU LGBTQ Network banner in the Pride Parade on Saturday. Assembly is in the lobby of Liberty Hall leaving the Hall at 12:45pm to head up to the Garden of Remembrance.

Equity calls on members to support rehearsal visits

Following the setting up of the Theatre Sub Committee, Equity have decided to recommence the old tradition of visiting actors on the first day of rehearsals. This initiative is designed to increase the profile of the union at live performance venues and to create more face to face time between the members of the union their representatives.

While we have contacted a large number of production companies and venues we are calling on members to let us know what live productions they are becoming involved in so that we can arrange a visit. Members can email this information to All information provided is confidential to the member and will not be shared with any third party. We will only use the knowledge of the production to arrange a visit without identifying any specific member of the cast.